Can I walk and meditate at the same time? I think that you can, it is what can be called just getting into the zone. Many walking meditations just focus on you being aware of steps, and keeping track of your steps taking one step forward to the next step forward. It is just that simple, put one foot infront of the next foot, and try not to get side tracked with other thoughts.
Can a walking meditation suffice for a seated meditation?
I would think that it is no subsitute for just sitting with yourself, but going for a walk does help to ease things from getting out of control. Walks help to regulate the out of controll mind that all so often gets caught out unaware of itself.
Often a walking meditation is used in concert with a regular seated meditation. Seated meditations are preferrable to walking but again nonetheless they indeed can be helpfull. I guess you could say that a good walk can in of itself satistfy the requirements for a walking meditation. I mean you are out there walking in the fresh air and enjoying the sights and the feel of nature on all of its many different levels.
In the meditation school known as Zen one often engages in periods of prolonged sitting periods with interludes of walking meditations where the the practicioner is often walking around in circles and trying to stay focused on the breath. In any bet just getting out for a good ole walk is often one of the best things that you can do for your mind and body.
Have a great walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1