What is real, is meditation really real, yet again is this life or for that matter is this reality in of itself outside of humanity really real? How do we make sense of it all? How do we interpret it all? That I cannot answer beyond the scoup of myself and maybe with meditation I am able to gauge that better than I would have been able with my own faculty. With meditation you just start connecting to your inner core faster than you ever thought possible and that is just no stretch of the imagination to say the least. Would I lie? Would tell a not so distant truth? Well maybe but meditation I have say that what I have found is a gold mind that just keeps revealing itself to me and its hidden wealth. When you meditate, you tend to become much more intuitive and you do things more based on a level of inner subconscious knowledge than you though possible. You just start to go with the flow of life and you stop resisting. But don’t take my word for it just you get out there and start to practice the timeless benefits of meditation!!!!!!!!!!!!!