You have to practice meditation every single day of your life until the day of the rapture or your death!!! Who cares if you suck at meditation, the point is to just to continue in its practice and you will with the passage of time just start to learn a few things about how to just be in the moment. But again it just takes time. Don’t expect anything, just expect that you are going to be commited to practice you are going to be determined and then let the chips fall where they may!!! But yes, yes, and another yes for the fact that meditation takes time it just takes practice. So hang in there consider it a victory if after the first month you are still practicing meditation you have more victory than 90 percent of humanity who just gives up. So be strong!! And we are all pulling for you in this quest that you must do alone.
Author: harrysavagespeaks
When to Meditate?
Really anytime is a good time to meditate, but if pushed to the mark I will say that you should be meditating first thing in the morning, because if you don’t meditate first thing in the morning then there is a good chance that you are going to forget to meditate and that would not be good. So get up out of bed brush your teeth and then start the practice of connecting to that wonderful energy that you find within that could make you feel so close to your inner core like never before. So just get up and get with it and your life may never be the same!!!!!
Meditation as a Habit
I think that with meditation the best thing to do is to just practice irreguardless of the outcome. Practice makes perfect. So when you have those days that you just don’t see the point than all you can do is to just suck it in and complete the practice of meditation. Practice, practice practice!! Practice makes perfect. Too often in our society we want the quick fix, we don’t want to believe that things and skills can take time to develop. We just don’t want to see that it is bold determination that so often rules the day in any endevour and if you desire to get something out of meditation than you must, yes indeed you must endure even in days where you don’t see any point to continue.
What is the point of Meditation
I have absolutely no idea what the point of meditation, and this is coming from a guy who has been meditating for at least a year and a half. Is it the narvana that every one in the new age movement says that it is? Well maybe, I mean it does help you out, keeping you from flipping out and going off the deep end and getting out of control but it is probably not good for much else. I am just not sure what the point of meditation is, really I just cant say for sure that there is a point to it all and why you should be doing it. That being said I wil do another meditation session after I am done ripping the idea of meditation to shreads and making you have an existentisal moment about the very nature of reality. But I will lelt you figure out the deeper meaning of meditation for yourself. Have fun!!!!!!!!
Fear and Meditation
Meditation can help you to deal with your fears; it may not remove your fear but it can help to at least just sit with your fears and not being afraid of what is to come. Fear is alright you just need to embrace it. Just embrace your fears and never ever look back. Just learn to be with yourself and experience the reality of this whole wonderful experience.
Common Meditation Problems
There are many problems that may occur while you are meditating, here are few of the problems which may occur:
1st is the desire not to meditate while you are meditating
2nd is the feeling of antsiness while you are meditating.
3rd Not able to focus on your breath but still being in a state of consumed with thoughts
4th feeling like you are not meditating when you are meditating
There are many more challenges that may appear when you are meditating, the point is that it is okay to have problems with meditation while you are meditating the biggest thing is to just to work with meditation and keep with it.
Meditation and Peace!
I think that you can get a bit of peace when you start to meditate. You can just get the basics of this by going inward and connecting with your sense of being. Connection and bliss is possible with meditation. But what is peace and what is bliss? When you focus on your breath you just start to get that total sense of bliss. By just focusing on the ups and downs of breath is rymthic for the compassion of the mind that you can just start to find a sense of being.
So by focusing on the breath you start to feel transformed.
By focusing on the breath you start to feel inspired.
By focusing on the breath you start to feel intraspective
By focusing on the breath you may feel a deeper sense of connection.
By focusing on the breath you could feel a spiritual connection.
Meditation for Real!!!
What is real, is meditation really real, yet again is this life or for that matter is this reality in of itself outside of humanity really real? How do we make sense of it all? How do we interpret it all? That I cannot answer beyond the scoup of myself and maybe with meditation I am able to gauge that better than I would have been able with my own faculty. With meditation you just start connecting to your inner core faster than you ever thought possible and that is just no stretch of the imagination to say the least. Would I lie? Would tell a not so distant truth? Well maybe but meditation I have say that what I have found is a gold mind that just keeps revealing itself to me and its hidden wealth. When you meditate, you tend to become much more intuitive and you do things more based on a level of inner subconscious knowledge than you though possible. You just start to go with the flow of life and you stop resisting. But don’t take my word for it just you get out there and start to practice the timeless benefits of meditation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meditation made Simple
Meditation is simple. Meditation is just so simple to practice and to implemen in your daily life. All you need to do is just find the time to get it going in your daily life, when you do implement meditation you will find that it is truly transformative to the mind. Remember that we need to just keep all of that in perspective and then everything will just work itself out. So just have a practice and do it every single day and never ever let up keep with the practice through thick and thin. If you do let up then just realise that is okay too. Have fun with the practice of meditation!!!
Meditate when you don’t feel like it!!
You will have good days and you will have days where you don’t feel in the mood to meditate. Today happen to be a day where I didn’t feel like meditating at all, but I did find sometime to sit down and meditate, and I did feel something good. I felt good to meditate, so when you are not in the mood you should just do it. Yep that is what Nike said, just go for it just get it done. Don’t stop yourself just get it done. If you don’t meditate than you will have that negging feeling hauting you the whole day long. So find 20 or 30 minutes and you will feel pretty good that you did.