Meditating Made Easy

Just find the time to take some time for yourself and be in the situation where you are not affriad of what is going to happen. If you can just sit still and try to focus on your breath, just breath in and hold it and then let it all out. Feel the breath and hold it. If you get lost in a thought than just focus on your breath, return to it once and again. Hold your breath and then let it all go and feel your breath just be in your breath. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, it is alright to make a mistake. You are a human you cannot fail, and if you do fail than you can find a way to learn and then take it from there.

There it is. Meditation is very simple it is like walking, you don’t need to go to India, althought that might be fun if you got a few nickles stuffed away, but just stay focused and ready to be in the place that you want to be. Just be and then not be. Don’t try just do it and that is all. Meditation is easy, just repeat that again and again, meditation is easy. Yep medition is easy. It is easy, meditation is just so easy, it is so easy it is just super fun. Don’t be afraid of it just be in the zone and don’t look back, you are the guru, the priest, the minister, you can figure it out on your own and don’t look back, because you got this one figured out and all locked up. Have a good night.

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